Saturday, October 3, 2009

NO more excuses!!

Today I was motivated. I wrapped my toe 3 times so it was as immobile as I could make it, donned my tennies and got on the treadmill.

At about 4 minutes (just walking fast, no jogging yet), the treadmill showed me its freaky side, and I had to hold onto the arm things for dear life. Scary. Stupid treadmill.

I was gonna give up, but I decided to suck it up and go outside. Good choice-brisk weather made it very enjoyable. I ran for a bit and then walked for a bit. All in all, I probably ran half of the 1.3 miles. While I was out of breath fast, it felt really good. The weather was perfect :)

I was so pumped because my toe didn't hurt the whole time! In fact, I hardly noticed it until I took my shoe off-ouch. But I took my shoe off like 2 minutes ago and my toe already feels better.

Also, yesterday I bought a jogging stroller so Emme and I are no longer limited! AND my new mp3 player shipped last night, so I should get it soon :)

This is becoming long, but I am pumped. I finally feel like my toe can handle it and I can get back out there! About time, cuz I have to be ready to run a 5k mid-November!

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