Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Counting Calories?

So Claire and I are writing down what we eat, like I said before I think. I have never counted calories before, but I can't say that I mind it. Its kind of intriguing and interesting to find out what foods surprise you with their amounts, either high or low. For instance, this Chef Boyardee cheeseburger macaroni I'm eating only has 200 calories in it. However, a serving of the pot roast I made saturday has about 600 calories! Anyways, this is my second day counting. I'm going to try to stay right around 2,000-2150 i think.

Today I ran another 35 minutes. It wasn't as good today, it seemed harder. I think I may have been going at a slightly faster pace. I constantly have to remind myself to take it slow while I'm running these days. I was training at race pace before, so its a big change. Also, something happened to me today that has never happened before: My sweat left crunch salt residues on my face and neck. Some girls I used to play tennis with in high school had this happen to them when we would play long tournaments, and my sister got salty after her half this past year. I was not doing a hard, long, or hot workout today, so I'm not sure if I should be worried or not...I had a salty lunch, and hopefully this is just a one-time thing, because frankly, crusty face is not usually the look i go for!!

Going for 35 again tomorrow. I'll probably run 35 two more times because today was not as good.


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