Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blah Run Day

So yesterday it was hecka cold and windy when I went on my 37-minutes run, but it was a good run overall. Today was not so good. I have this thing were I get hungry but no food sounds good, so I have to force down something (it was 1/2 an apple this morning) and then my stomach feels terrible. So that happened today. Aaaand I decided to run anyway, so I went once around the loop (just over a mile) at faster pace than I've been going. And it kinda sucked. I felt really winded and tired and like I just wanted to sit down for an hour or two afterward.

BUT. Tomorrow I hope to run 40 minutes! Hopefully the weather will be good enough to run.

Tonight I had a pomegranate. Well, half of one. If you've ever prepared a pomegranate, you know what Claire and I went through to get the fruit out. Crazy! Luckily I grabbed one of the pamphlets from the produce section that give instructions on how to open it and eat it, because otherwise I wouldn't have had the slightest clue. But it was really good! I was just eating spoonfuls of it (actually I was chewing them and sucking the juice out, but spitting the seeds in the garbage!), but I think it would be really good in salad too. Hmmm...


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