Sunday, September 27, 2009

Weekend Yo.

So, the weekend's over, and I didn't do especially well. But on Saturday I did manage to exercise for an hour, which was the plan. I ran around the loop and once and headed for the running path behind near our house. i think I ran about 2 miles, walked some, then ran/walked another mile or so until i got to some hills. I would jog down the hill, sprint up the hill, then walk to the next one. Afterwards I jogged to cool down, and it all added up to about an hour. I was pleased. It was a good workout but I didn't over-do it at all.

Today I didn't run in the morning, but Will (boyfriend) and I went on a short but fast hike through the woods, and his legs are really long so I really had to work to keep up with him. It was nice to have an alternative work out, though!

Tomorrow: 3 miles in 30 min. Yep. Its happening. Or at least 30:30. Just less than 31, ok??

I made this delicious potato soup tonight! One of my friends shared the recipe with me: throw some potatoes, cauliflower, and onion together in a big pot, cover the veggies with water, and boil for 20-30 minutes. Then mash them up or put the soup in a blender and voila! I added some yummy things to make it less healthy: some light sour cream, butter, garlic powder, basil, salt and pepper, and bacon bits. SO GOOD! Plus its a fairly cheap/healthy meal the comes out with lots of left overs.


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