Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Goal: 2x around the Loop

Today I was really not motivated at all to run and it was really gloomy and a bit chilly outside, but once I started I was totally feeling it and I ran once around the loop and then some, turn around and walked a bit then kicked it in for the home stretch (which is only like 100m but still)! So my goal is that by the end of this week i will be able to run two times around the loop without stopping to walk. If I can accomplish that, next week I will focus on gaining speed and getting my speed up to 9 min miles (I know, that sounds kind of pathetic).

Remember that donut that I bought and was so proud that I didn't eat? Well stupid Will (my boyfriend and Claire's brother) never took it home! And it was just sitting here....so Claire and I split it last night (bad girls). It wasn't even that good. :( Today my eating schedule is going to be off again because I have no time to eat from 1:30 until 9:30...we'll see how that goes.


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