Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I think I broke it.

So two days ago I was planning on running three 10-min miles on the treadmill, and all was going well until I hit 2 miles, and the treadmill tried to kill me. Basically, it was like every step I took retracted the belt in the opposite direction it goes, while making this terrible sound. So. Two miles it was.

Yesterday: ran one tempo lap around the loop and it was cold and windy in my ears. I have this thing where even if its not that cold, the inside of my ears start aching. I don't get it, but it painful and uncomfortable. Anyways, it was a good run.

Today: ~3 miles on the path/trail behind our apartment in what I'm guess was maybe 31-33 minutes. It felt good.

Tomorrow: I'm not sure. I have a doctor appointment early, so I might just take tomorrow off.

PROBLEM: I EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT AND CRAVE UNHEALTHY FOOD ALLLLL THE TIME. This is something I really need to rectify. Starting now. Ok? Yes. Ok.


PS Claire just ordered the cutest little mp3 player ever...hopefully she'll chime in and post a link!

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