Friday, September 18, 2009


I just got back from my run, which was supposed to be a faster-paced mile. I was aiming for about 8 minutes. But, from the very beginning I took off way too fast, like at a 6-min mile pace rather than 8, and I got way tired really fast and had to walk...3 times :( Finally, at about 300 m to go I'd say, I found the right pace, and it felt good, and I did kick it in at the end, but my time for ~1.2 miles was 10.22 minutes, which is a bit less than 9 minutes/mile. Boo. Plus my blister is hurting me a lot! Bad day for a jog, but hopefully those spurts of high-cardio exercise has primed my mind for my exam in 4 hours!

Tomorrow: long run/walk. I want to run 2 loops, then walk/run for about 45 minutes after that.


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