Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Day Off

Yesterday: 2.5 mile run on the treadmill, went really well and i definitely booked it at the end. The thing is about the treadmill -- i sweat like 8 times as much as when I run outside. I guess because there's no air flow or wind maybe. Nasty.

Today: My first day off in about 2 weeks! I still did my daily squats, lunges, sets of situps, butt lifts, and arm exercises. But no running today. Tomorrow, I'm going to go for 3 full miles, whether outside (3x around the loop) or inside on the treadmill. Its been raining alot soooo we'll see.

Race update: I'm not running this weekend in a race, but Claire definitely found one that is coming up in November for a 5k! So we are signing up for that asap! Its totally do-able. There is a 10k the first week of December that I'm contemplating. I can do 6 miles by December, right?? Right. :)


PS make me eat better.

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