Thursday, November 5, 2009

well MY run was fine. :)

Today was BEAUTIFUL! Light breeze, sun shining, birds chirping. I ran my 45 min no sweat. (Well, not literally. I always sweat. I'm just gross that way) So tomorrow I'm going to run it once more, break on saturday, then 50 min on sunday.

Last night I was naughty and had 2 of those microwave brownie bowls. OH MY GOODNESS THEY'RE SOO GOOD! So today I made sure to do some situps and squats and stuff to try to work some of that chocolate-y goodness off.

Dear Claire,
I'm sorry you fell on your butt. That must have hurt. But it is so not my fault you aren't coordinated. I hope that the race next Saturday is not gravel.


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