Thursday, November 5, 2009

i. hate. gravel.

So I am out of town and I attempted to run a gravel trail. MISTAKE. First of all, it sucked. There were many potholes and a lot of them were disguised with leaves.

Good things about gravel: I learn that maybe I shuffle my feet a bit, and I need to take cleaner steps. Also, the ground is less level so I felt like I was working harder.

Bad things about gravel: I fell twice. The first time I fell I landed on my knee and held on to the stroller, which my kid did not like. The second time I landed on my knee and I didnt hold on to the stroller, and I lost my balance on my knee and fell on my butt.

It was a bit painful. Luckily it was early enough that the only person that saw was a super old guy.

I only ran for 10 minutes and 30 seconds, and then I walked 10.

Dear Emme,

Please never make me run on gravel again. Deep down I blame you for this a little bit. haha not really ;)



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